Stratford upon Avon Driving School

Driver and Instructor Training

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Medical Conditions and Driving Licences A Driver's Guide

Medical Conditions and Driving Licences A Driver's Guide

Medical Conditions And Driving Licences A Guide For Drivers

This guide has been prepared by Stratford upon Avon Driving School, and is intended to provide general information to help drivers to understand Medical Conditions and Driving Licences and to stay legal; whilst every effort has been made to ensure that the information is accurate and up to date, it is not intended to be a legal guide.

It is a legal requirement to notify DVLA if you develop a 'Notifiable' medical condition or disability, or if your condition has got worse since you got your driving licence.

Failing to notify DVLA can result in a fine of up to £1000.

Driving with a serious medical condition could also result in other offences being committed and could also potentially invalidate your car insurance.

Notifiable medical conditions include, but are not limited to:

When you notify DVLA of a medical condition, depending on what the condition is the next stage could be:

The GOV.UK website gives specific information about many medical conditions.

This includes:

This guide has been prepared by Stratford upon Avon Driving School, and is intended to provide general information to help drivers to understand Medical Conditions and Driving Licences and to stay legal; whilst every effort has been made to ensure that the information is accurate and up to date, it is not intended to be a legal guide.

Pages in the Law and Documentation A Drivers Guide section of the Stratford upon Avon Driving School website:

Sections of the Stratford upon Avon Driving School website: